Make Time for Yourself


            Studying for your CPA exam can be very time consuming. It can be difficult to juggle studying, work, personal life, and any other responsibilities while you prepare. Because of this, it is important to remember to take time for yourself every once in a while. If you spread yourself too thin with other responsibilities, you will leave no time to take care of yourself which could have several negative effects.

When deciding if you should take time for yourself, here are some questions to ask yourself:

1.      How clear is your schedule for the next few weeks?

If your schedule ahead is relatively clear, fill up that some of that free time with some me-time. Take time to see your friends, watch a new show, paint, sing, write, or anything else you enjoy.


2.      Have you been productive recently?

If you have been incredibly productive and accomplished a great deal of work recently, it is important to reward yourself with some time away from your studies. You don’t want to burn yourself out by pushing yourself too hard.


3.      Have you felt especially exhausted recently?  

If your body feels more fatigued than recently, it is sending you a message to relax. To perform at your best, you must be well rested, so make sure you listen to your body if you are feeling more tired than usual.


            Overall, here at TAPA Institute, we make sure to keep our clients on track by using customized study plans as they prepare for their CPA exam, and we understand that free time needs to be included in that schedule. If you do not take time to relax or reward yourself for the hard work you have accomplished, you will become burnt out and unmotivated.

            To learn more about how we can help you pass your CPA certification exam, visit our website


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