De-Stress for the Test with TAPA Institute

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            Studying for the CIA and CPA exams can be stressful, but it is important to recognize bad stress from good stress. Positive stress, known as eustress, acts as motivation to keep working towards a goal. Eustress is often very beneficial in maintaining a sense of well-being. Negative stress, on the other hand, is known as distress. Distress can negatively affect academic performance and one’s health.

            It is important to be able to recognize eustress from distress before taking your certification exam because distress can cause poor exam performance. If you find yourself feeling distressed, here are some tips to manage it:


1.      Learn what your stress looks like

Stress manifests differently for every person. Stress can cause fatigue, headaches, insomnia, stomachaches, and the inability to take tests. If you recognize any of these physical symptoms, do not ignore them. Instead, accept them and start making changes to relieve your stress.

2.      Take a break

Sometimes it is okay to take a break. Go for a short walk, have a healthy snack, or exercise to relax your mind for a little while. Relaxing can then help refocus your mind.

3.      Avoid caffeine

 While most of us run on coffee, it is important to know that caffeine can increase your cortisol level, making you feel more stressed. Healthy foods, however, will give you energy without increasing your stress levels.


            Here at TAPA Institute we know how stressful studying for the CIA and CPA exams can be. That is why we make sure to teach our clients anxiety management techniques as we help them prepare for their exams. To learn more about our services, visit   


Push Past Procrastination with TAPA Institute


Review, Relax, Reinvent: Managing Stress During the CPA Exam