Proven Techniques to Pass the CPA Exam

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Here at TAPA Institute, we use scientifically proven learning techniques to teach CPA exam material to our students. We work one-on-one with our students to create personalized study plans for each individual that focuses on utilizing their learning style. We also offer CPA Boot Camp sessions that provide a comprehensive review of each section of the exam. With these techniques, our students learn the most effectively and efficiently.

Along with these techniques, if you are struggling to study on your own, there are other techniques that have been proven to be very helpful. Two of the most helpful study techniques are:

1.      Practice testing

Taking practice tests has been found to be an extremely useful study technique for students. Practice tests help with long-term memory retention. Whether in the form of short-answers, multiple choice, or fill-in-the-blank, practice testing is a very helpful study technique.

2.      Distributed Study

This study technique is all about splitting up practice or study activities overtime, rather than cramming right before a test. Splitting up study material allows information to be learned little by little as opposed to all at once which can be overwhelming.


            Overall, when prepping for your exam, it is important to find a study technique that works best for you. At TAPA Institute, we work with each of our students to identify what learning style and study techniques are best for them. To learn more about our services, visit, to set up a free consultation.   


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