Study Smart and Become a CPA with TAPA Institute


            At TAPA Institute, it is our mission to help our clients prepare for, and pass, their CPA certification exam. With our tutoring services, we make sure each of our clients is given a customized study plan designed with their learning style in mind. These study plans are guaranteed to streamline our clients to receiving their certification. We also offer CPA Boot Camps for each section of the CPA exam to give a comprehensive review of the CPA exam material.

            To help you prepare for your exams, here are some useful studying methods you can use:


1.      Use Image-Word Association

To help with memorization of difficult or unfamiliar terms, relate that term to a familiar image or symbol. Creating this visual link to a word or concept will help you to remember it better.


2.      Create Acronyms

Using acronyms can help you to recall key concepts or definitions easier. You can creatively tailor each acronym you create to ensure that you will remember it.


3.      Create Analogies

An analogy is the comparison of two or more things. By using analogies, you can compare difficult or unfamiliar concepts to more familiar ones, making them easier to remember.


            We hope these tips can help you the next time you are preparing for your exam. However, if you are struggling to create your own study plan and schedule, we encourage you to sign up for our tutoring or boot camp sessions. To sign up, visit


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